

You are most welcome at the Sound of Soul Event on Monday, 8 April, starting at 8:30 p.m. 

Discover your inner guidance, healing for body, mind, and spirit — and a higher form of creativity by chanting the sacred sound of HU. HU is an ancient name for God, sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. HU can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life.

Experience chanting HU for 20 minutes, followed by silent contemplation. Then, join in on a relaxed spiritual conversation (in English and French) with others of like heart! Everyone is welcome.

Click on the link below to register/join the Sound of Soul event via Zoom:


You will receive a personal Zoom link via e-mail. The room opens at 8:20 p.m. Please connect at least 5 minutes before the start of the meeting, which will last about 1 hour.

You may send this invitation to friends and family.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

With love in ECK,


You are most welcome at the Sound of Soul Event on Monday, 15 April, starting at 8:30 p.m. 

Discover your inner guidance, healing for body, mind, and spirit — and a higher form of creativity by chanting the sacred sound of HU. HU is an ancient name for God, sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. HU can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life.

Experience chanting HU for 20 minutes, followed by silent contemplation. Then, join in on a relaxed spiritual conversation (in English and French) with others of like heart! Everyone is welcome.

Click on the link below to register/join the Sound of Soul event via Zoom:


You will receive a personal Zoom link via e-mail. The room opens at 8:20 p.m. Please connect at least 5 minutes before the start of the meeting, which will last about 1 hour.

You may send this invitation to friends and family.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

With love in ECK,


-This event is in Dutch-

Je bent uitgenodigd voor een online Geluid van Ziel evenement. Doe met ons mee en ervaar het Geluid van Ziel. Ontdek innerlijke begeleiding, genezing voor lichaam, geest en Ziel, en een hogere vorm van creativiteit door het heilige geluid van HU te zingen.

HU is een oude naam voor God die al duizenden jaren in veel landen wordt gezongen voor spirituele groei. HU is er voor mensen van elke religie, cultuur of levenswijze. Ervaar HU door 20 minuten lang te zingen, gevolgd door een paar minuten stille contemplatie. Neem dan deel aan een ontspannen spiritueel gesprek (in het Nederlands) met gelijkgestemden. Iedereen is welkom. Om dit evenement bij te wonen, vragen wij je om je van tevoren registreren.

Registreer je door op deze link te drukken en het formulier in te vullen om jouw unieke zoomlink te ontvangen.

OPMERKING: Als je een gratis boekje wilt, kun je dit aanvragen via de website van Eckankar in Nederland, en jouw gegevens invullen. We sturen jouw contactgegevens NIET door naar anderen.

Gepresenteerd door Eckankar Nederland – Het pad van spirituele vrijheid - een Chartered Affiliate van ECKANKAR.

You are most welcome at the Sound of Soul Event on Monday, 29 April, starting at 8:30 p.m. 

Discover your inner guidance, healing for body, mind, and spirit — and a higher form of creativity by chanting the sacred sound of HU. HU is an ancient name for God, sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. HU can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life.

Experience chanting HU for 20 minutes, followed by silent contemplation. Then, join in on a relaxed spiritual conversation (in English and French) with others of like heart! Everyone is welcome.

Click on the link below to register/join the Sound of Soul event via Zoom:


You will receive a personal Zoom link via e-mail. The room opens at 8:20 p.m. Please connect at least 5 minutes before the start of the meeting, which will last about 1 hour.

You may send this invitation to friends and family.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

With love in ECK,


2024 The Netherlands ECK Soul Adventure Seminar

Finding your Life's Purpose

Click here for more information and registration


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